Continuous-Time Sigma Delta Converters

Author: Wolfgang Scherr
Date: 14th February 2021

(c) Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
All rights reserved. For educational purposes only.

SystemC-AMS models created with Coside.

Data Converter Basics

This document does not elaborate on basics of signal processing and sampling or history of A/D converters. If you are interested in that, there is plenty of information on the web, e.g from Analog Devices here.

Ideal continuous-time sigma-delta converter

For an ideal c.t. sigma-delta converter, an integrator is used. An equivalent SystemC-AMS (IEEE 1666.1) model using LSF (linear signal flow) looks like this:

This leads to this signal transfer characteristics:

\(Hs(s) = \frac{Y(s)}{X(s)} = \frac{\frac{1}{s}}{1 + \frac{1}{s}} = \frac{1}{s + 1}\)

And to this noise transfer characteristics:

\(Hn(s) = \frac{Y(s)}{N(s)} = \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{s}}\)

Which can be nicely checked by frequency-domain simulations of the shown model:

Running : lsf_simple_simple_tb.exe --x_ac=1.0 --n_ac=0.0
Running : lsf_simple_simple_tb.exe --x_ac=0.0 --n_ac=1.0

This circuit has some problems. First of all, there is no ideal integrator in the analog world. In principle, they any implementation is more an active low-pass filter with some low corner frequency.

Secondly, the ideal integrator does not really provide a proper bandwidth to be used. For example: if we want a SD-ADC with 256MHz sampling rate to convert a 1MHz signal, we need more bandwidth for the signal path.

A bit more realistic sigma-delta converter

Now we use a low-pass filter instead of an ideal integrator.

The first order lowpass filter function is: \(Hlp(s) = \frac{1}{1 + \tau s}\).

We set the corner frequency \(f_c\) to about 2MHz (\(\tau = \frac{1}{2\pi f_c}\)). The transfer function of this low-pass filter alone will look as follows:

Tau = 7.957747154594767e-08
Hlp(s) = 1/(7.95774715459477e-8*s + 1)

In the closed loop setup of the SD-ADC we will now get for the signal transfer function:

\(Hs(s) = \frac{Y(s)}{X(s)} = \frac{\frac{1}{1+\tau s}}{1 + \frac{1}{1+\tau s}} = \frac{1}{\tau s + 2}\)

Looking at the noise transfer function we have now:

\(Hn(s) = \frac{Y(s)}{N(s)} = \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{1+\tau s}}\)

Which we again check by a frequency domain simulation:

Running : lsf_realistic_simple_tb.exe --x_ac=1.0 --n_ac=0.0
Running : lsf_realistic_simple_tb.exe --x_ac=0.0 --n_ac=1.0

This does not really like good noise shaping. So we need to do a bit more, which is introducing an active LP filter with some gain, looking at the filter alone we get now:

Tau = 7.957747154594767e-08
Hlp(s) = 100/(7.95774715459477e-8*s + 1)

What is now the effect in the closed-loop simulation of the converter? Let's check the frequency-domain simulation again:

Running : lsf_realistic_simple_tb.exe --x_ac=1.0 --n_ac=0.0
Running : lsf_realistic_simple_tb.exe --x_ac=0.0 --n_ac=1.0

Not so bad, right? We get a better signal bandwidth and shift the noise upwards, so really nice noise-shaping, even for a very simple 1.O. ct. SD-ADC...

Ideal implementation model

But how does this look more on electrical level? Let's do a basic circuit model for our SD-ADC using SystemC-AMS (IEEE 1666.1) ELN (electrical linear network).

For that we define a simple 1.O. operational amplifier. The advantage of using SystemC-AMS for the model is, that it runs way faster than using SPICE, despite I can still use a SPICE-like entry many are familar with. Basically, it is nearly as fast as the LSF model we used before (we just have a bit larger network to solve)...

Its frequency response simulated looks like this:

The operational amplifier is included in the toplevel SD-ADC model. The output of the SD-ADC is connected to two 1.O. CIC with a frequency response corresponding to R=64, but we don't do the actual decimation to show the residual bins which would be folded back into the signal band.

For decimation, I used a simple averaging filter. More about decimation can be found on one of my other modelling pages here.

Let's look at the result of a transient simulation of this model. For the FFT, I simulated 5ms, which took just a few seconds on my notebook. Here I plot just a few periods of the input signal. But be aware, the sample rate of the ADC is 256MHZ, so a lots of points to calculate and post-process.

The digital output stream can be better analysed using an FFT transform. This is before any decimation:

This is the FFT transform after the 1.O CIC filter:

And here the FFT transform after the second 1.O CIC filter:

Finally, the FFT transform after both CIC filter and decimation by 64 (which means the new output sampling frequency is 4MHz):

Please note that I didn't use any window function for the FFT, this is of course not optimal. But this report is for the purpose of demonstration, not more. You can find plenty of serious and much more detailed information on post processing of such converters in books, in papers and on the web.